
About Us

СНПЧ А7 Нижний Новгород, обзоры принтеров и МФУ

Our company was established in Erbil capital of Kurdistan region Iraq in 2007. Where the building is located the headquarters of the company in Bakhtyari behind the Golan tower 20M St farmoo.Co Building. And since then and we care about the production of natural wood furniture. Where we manufacture our products in East Asian countries where the finest available wood and bamboo. We also collect modernity and nature in our industry and move away from industrial materials for nappy on the quality of the product.

It provides our designers the latest and the most beautiful designs that fit our markets. As we execute any designs or decorations or sculptures with high quality. Our company has the possibility of designing and furnishing luxury restaurants, hotels and homes, as well as.

We are working to move our ideas and our experience to our customers to take advantage of them, as well as the collection and implementation of ideas.